Browse here for photos of this year's Light Party.


We have been putting on a Light Party for the Stratford District since 2004, as a positive alternative to Halloween Trick or Treating.  The Party has grown from 80 at the first one to now around 500 people.

Children who took part in the first parties helping to bring games and fun to a new generation of children.

This year 500 sausages on 23 loaves of bread were consumed, 15 kilos of lollies were handed out,  with another 500 individual mixtures given away.  Jackie and her crew gave out over 100 litres of cold drinks and Margaret made 9 pots of coffee.

We want to say a big “Thank You” to all the volunteers who make this event happen, along with those local businesses that gave gifts and prizes.  Your help has made this the great event that it is.  You are all awesome.

AuthorCorrina Sheed